PPK summer
log off and run

hello everybody, sorry for radio silence on this. some of you have probably heard that after successfully achieving world peace last summer this years theme was all about logging off, being present, running as antithesis of social media doom scroll AI screen time linked in etc. its touching grass. its a simpler time. its a moment shared with a loved one.

would love to say any of that is the reason we have been so quiet but tbh its because this year I have a job, chris spends all of his time actually running instead of talking about it, and most of you remain uninterested in physical activity.

anyway, we are going to put on a ppk summer do next saturday but cannot promise much being so last minute. sincerely mean this, could be a wash out.

i think charlie and sweyn are going to do food. “off griddy” kind of stuff Ive been told. not sure how this relates to hot sausages tbh but I trust them. guest speaker and spiritual guru danny "" yolo will be headlining.

please come and breathe the beautiful air of dulwich park, log off*, jog off, run.

key info
when? saturday nineteenth aug, midday**
where? dulwich park, court lane side
running? optional, encouraged, distance tbc
runhead? NO

p.s. this website is now slowly shutting down in the spirit of logging off

*strava exempt
**sorry for lack of digits here, I couldnt work out how to add them to the font. same reason for sparse punctuation throughout.