By all accounts it’s going to be hotter than the sun on Saturday. Bad for PBs, bad for the three-piece tracksuits we had commissioned. Good for those there to have fun I guess. In light of this, we’ll be bringing everything slightly forward.
Welcome and guest lecture, On the History of Running, from our compère @dannyyoloofficial. Yes, him! This will take place at the finish line, see map below (1).
Half marathon KO
10k KO
(or when everybody has stopped running)
Food, closing remarks, big beer
So that we have a consistent finish line for the spectator(s) we will have to stagger the start lines, please refer to the map below. We will be going clockwise. Runners in the 10k will be finished when they cross the line for the SIXTH time, for those in the half it will be the THIRTEENTH time. Race marshals, Chris and Dan, will have a clipboard to tally as best they can, but please also try to keep count in your head. The finish line will have a table where you can leave possessions and a drink which we will label. Chris has stepped down as co-founder to volunteer as a waterboy and will pass you your drink when you want it while you run. We’re trying to arrange a cooling mist and some sponges. TBC.

1. Finish line, bag drop, meet area; 2. 10k start line; 3. Half start line
Very difficult to judge the numbers for this. Seemingly a lot of interest, buzz — “the Tokyo Olympics meets a royal wedding”, “I think I'm free”, “hot sausages?” etc — but from a previously unreliable crowd. Who knows how many will turn up. There will be 60 sausages (20 meat, 20 not meat, 20 PPK flavoured). There will be a range of salads and sauces, many buns. We will have only 10 pints of beer, which is not much. Think of it more as a toast so definitely BYOB too.
T-shirts came in at £14 each which was a bit more than expected. Sorry. Suggested entry fee / food donation of £5 still stands and now includes a temporary transfer tattoo of event mascot “Pint Boy” while stocks last.
Ideally send any money ahead of time but we’ll also take cash payments on the day and transfers whenever you can.
Michael: Chris:
(You don't need Monzo to use those links)
Chris: 07919 375 505 | Michael: 07817 610 717 | Strava